What does your donation support?
LBHS PTA is seeking business and family sponsors for our Un-Fundraiser - A refreshing approach to fundraising where you just simply donate.
No third party fundraiser company taking a slice of your donation.
100% of your donation goes DIRECTLY to the PTA and the students.
All donations are 100% tax deductible (Tax ID No. 95-620500)
Your donation directly supports:
Student Wellness and Academic Support
● Student Grants to fund programs spearheaded by students to improve student life on campus
● PSAT Testing Fees for all 10th graders
● Student Financial Assistance for College Entrance Fees, AP Exams and Sports Testing
● College Roundup, Mock Admissions, and Career Center Events
● LBHS PTA College Scholarship program
● New student orientation and welcome
Parent Support
● Parent Education Presentations at LBHS & Coffee Talk
Teacher Support
● Teacher and School-wide Staff Appreciation
For supporting the 2022 LBHS PTA UnFundraiser as a SPONSOR, you will receive the following recognition and thanks:
Your logo in the LBHS PTA Newsletters, for the entire calendar year!
Your logo on the LBHS PTA website for the entire calendar year!
All benefits of the Bronze Sponsorship plus…
Name Placement/Logo on PTA UnFundraiser Banner hung on Short St. *Entrance of Football field
All benefits of the Silver Sponsorship plus…
Your name in the Indy/StuNews ads
Published recognition at all PTA sponsored events i.e. parent education presentations, Teacher/Staff Appreciation, College Round-Up